
Showing posts from August, 2018


DID YOU KNOW - Canada is the World's Most Educated Country: over half its residents have college degrees. All the more reason why we clamor for you to study there and implement whatever you learn there in your home country. - In Newfoundland, Canada, the Atlantic Ocean sometimes freezes so people play hockey on it. How would you love to add this to your bucket list and go for visitation to Canada to try to out? - In 2015, a Canadian man was arrested after tying more than 100 balloons to a garden chair and flying over the city of Calgary. I wonder what he was trying to achieve? Some new inventions of parachute?

EWC - Frequently Asked Questions

We hope this video answer most of your Frequently Asked Questions about our Canadian Work and Study programme.

#ThrowbackThursday - ABACUS

Abacus is a calculating tool that was in use in Europe, China and Russia, centuries before the adoption of the Hindu–Arabic numeral system. Although today many use calculators and computers instead of abaci to calculate, abaci still remain in common use in some countries. Did you know: Some people who are unable to use a calculator because of visual impairment may use an abacus. I remember i had it as a toy and used it quite well perhaps that is why i love figures. What about you? Did you ever use Abacus as a child?

TGIF - How has been your week?

As we all look forward to the weekend, take some time to reminisce on how you spent this week. Where you able to achieve most if not all your goals and do you think you are better than you were last week? Live life to the fullest but make a positive impact Which is why we encourage you to #StudyAndWork in #Canada so you can come home and make Nigeria a better place to live in. Have a lovely weekend

#MondayMotivation - TIME waits for no one

#MondayMotivation - TIME waits for no one One equal thing we all have inspite of our race, gender, status and all others is TIME! Make the BEST use of it cos that is one thing you never get back. Let us help you Achieve your Dreams in less time  # SudyAndWork   # Canada   # MondayMotivation Call 07002225222 for more details.